The Pigeon Dialogues is a project by Nikki Gonnissen, co-founder and director of the studio in collaboration with Studio Corvers. For the installation, she addresses the strong separation between city and countryside, aiming to build a bridge that brings together the many different perspectives. Inspired by pigeon post and the historic pigeon lofts you still occasionally come across in the countryside, the design creates a safe space to exchange ideas and facilitate discussion.
Pigeon post is a slow, but targeted, medium. Pigeons can return to their homes over a distance of hundreds of kilometres with impeccable precision, bringing only one message at a time. The current social polarisation is partly fuelled by the speed of social media, where context is lacking and information not consciously considered. As a result, people talk past each other, and there is no room for dialogue. Only if we choose to take longer and actively think and listen to each other, can we arrive at a meaningful conversation. What is really needed to achieve a sustainable future for future generations?