Thomas Widdershoven’s farewell letter as creative director at Design Academy Eindhoven.
Thomas Widdershoven’s farewell letter as creative director at Design Academy Eindhoven.
“(…)Today’s students are digital natives. This has profoundly changed the nature of education. A school is no longer the place where the old world is passed on to a new generation, contemporary education is about the collaborative invention of a new world – in a dialogue between an older and a new generation of designers. That is the essence of the new educational approach at Design Academy Eindhoven.
This new story has been researched and presented in three consecutive exhibitions we staged at the Van Abbemuseum in Eindhoven. Self Unself (2013) looked at the unselfish inclination of a new type of designer. Sense Nonsense (2014) investigated the validity of a poetic approach as a method for innovation. And finally Thing Nothing (2015) delved into the value of design in a dematerialising world.(…)”
Read the full article here.